A vampire, a werewolf and a hybrid from the Vampire Diaries universe

What would you like to be in the Vampire Diaries universe?

The Vampire Diaries started with the story of Salvatore brothers. When the story progressed further we were introduced to the Mikaelson family. Later The Vampire Diaries universe extended with the Originals and Legacies spinoff shows. In these shows we saw different groups of vampires, witches and werewolves. I wonder if I am in The Vampire Diaries universe and I have the ability to choose, what would I like to be? And which group I would like to hang around?


In TVD vampires are the dominant faction among supernatural beings and the only faction a normal human could join later in the life because all vampires were human before they had turned. In case of werewolves and witches you have to be born as a one since werewolf genes and witch powers carry through bloodlines. But which clique of vampires is best to hang with?

Salvatore brothers

Damon and Stefan Salvatore.
Damon and Stefan are going to rescue Caroline from the Heretics.

If you look like Elena Gilbert or Katherine Pierce (Katerina Petrova) or any Amara doppelganger you are safe with Salvatore brothers because Stefan and Damon have a thing for that face. Speaking of Elena, Stefan and Damon would do anything to please her and they may extend their care for Elena’s loved ones. Their world revolve around Elena. So if anything happen to Elena, they would sacrifice your life for Elena’s safety without hesitation.

Apart from the drama surrounding Elena, Stefan, Damon trio there are some major issues you have to consider regarding two brothers. Stefan is a ripper. Which means he has a hard time controlling his bloodlust. When he fall off the wagon it is going to be dangerous to hang around him. Damon is a selfish, unapologetic psychopath who kills people for trivial matters or based on his mood swings. He is no stranger to killing his longtime friends. So it is wise to avoid The Mystic Falls Gang if you are not an important person to Elena Gilbert. Even then there is no guarantee that Damon wouldn’t kill you when he is in a bad mood.

The Original Vampires

Mikaelson siblings in there early years as vampires.
Mikaelson siblings were still leaning the ways of the high society in 1002 A.D.

Not many people are stupid enough to pick a fight with The Originals because they are the strongest vampires out there and they are notorious for keeping grudges even for centuries. So befriend with them and get protection from them seems a logical step to ensure your safety in TVD universe. Also we saw that Mikaelsons had been taking wards under their wings sometimes. But then you would have to survive Mikaelson family dramas. Especially Klaus is known for overreacting because of his paranoia and jealousy.

Even if you managed to stay out of Mikaelson sibling rivalry you still need to be careful of their mother, father and elder brother. Their mother Esther who was responsible for creating vampirism later started to regret her decision to turn her children into monsters. So she conspires to eradicate vampires from the world. Their father Mikael also despises vampires and hell bent on hunt down and kill Klaus. Eldest Mikaelson brother Finn also loathes his existence as a vampire. And he is a moma’s boy who would always pick his mother’s side against his siblings. Mikaelsons have a bad habit of coming back from dead. So you can’t fully relax even they are dead for now.

I earlier said that not many people are trying to go up against mighty Mikaelsons. But that does not mean they are without any threats. In their centuries of existence they have committed countless horrific acts of violence against people. They have been accruing many powerful enemies in their wake. These people will target friends of the Originals in order to get to them.

Finally when push comes to shove, Mikaelsons will always choose their family over anything and would not be hesitate to leave you in the dust. Lucien Castle, Tristan de Martel, Aurora de Martel and Marcel Gerard would attest to that.

The Strix

Members of the Strix are watching an initiation battle.
The Strix is the oldest and most powerful vampire organization in the world.

The Strix is an elite exclusive club for vampires from Elijah Mikaelson’s bloodline. Elijah founded the Strix exclusive club in his early years as a vampire. Because of that most members of the organization are very old and strong vampires. Elijah founded it to change the world into a better place. Under the rule of Tristan de Martel it evolved into the most powerful organization in the world. Even if you are of Elijah’s sire line it would be hard to get in to the Strix because they are very picky about new candidates and also you have to pass a gruesome test. But if you managed to get in to the Strix, it could benefit you immensely. As a member you will get access to the vast wealth and influence of the organization. Then you could adhere to their dress code and look down upon lesser vampires with your pompous attitude.

The Heretics

Heretics using there witch powers on Caroline.
Two of the Heretics, Nora Hildegard and Mary Louise are using their witch powers on Caroline Forbes.

It is the pseudo family of Lily Salvatore. Lillian Salvatore and her lover Julian had found a group of banished Gemini Coven Siphoners and took them under their wing. Later these Siphoners became vampires and ended up strange, witch and vampire hybrids. They had all the perks of being a vampire and now they could channel their own vampirism magic to power themselves and function as normal witches.

On the paper the Heretics were one of the most powerful teams in TVD universe. Let me explain why I said so. As immortal vampires they had all the time in the world to pursue and study and learn various kinds of magical spells like what Kol Mikaelson did with his spare time. Unlike Kol, Heretics could actually practice magic since they are hybrids. So if they had survived long enough their vampire powers and magical powers could have grown into a formidable level.

Let’s list down powers and abilities of the Heretics. Since all of them were vampires they had the standard vampire powers and abilities. As Siphoners, they had the ability to suck out most of magical obstacles in their path like how Kai Parker was able to remove The Purification Spell from Mystic Falls. In his brief time as a Heretic, Kai even siphoned out a fatal werewolf bite with ease. And they could function as regular witches without worrying about running out of juice thanks to their ability to channel vampirism magic. Last but not least as former Gemini Witches they have access to some unique and powerful spells such as the spell to become invisible and how to make other people and even houses invisible, and the knowledge about Prison Worlds.

If the Heretics had played their hand wisely they could have become a terrifying group in the TVD universe. It’s a surprise that they could not come up with a better plan to diffuse The Huntress situation by utilizing their unique power set because Rayna Cruz had only 8 chances to resurrect. I think Lily’s weird obsession to build a family dragged The Heretics down. I would definitely like to become a Heretic only if controlling Lily and Julian were not in the picture.

Marcel Gerard’s Gang

Marcel Gerard.
Marcel Gerard is the self-proclaimed king of the New Orleans.

Marcel grew up in New Orleans as a ward under the Mikaelsons and later turned into a vampire by Klaus. Klaus considered Marcel as his own son. So Marcel learned the ropes to the vampire world from the Originals themselves. When the Mikaelsons fled New Orleans to avoid their father’s wrath they left Marcel behind. Later Mikael burnt down the city to get to his children. After all the Mikaelsons left the city Marcel rebuilt the burnt city in his image and established a community where vampires could thrive.

Klaus himself said that “Marcel has got everything I ever wanted. Power, Loyalty, Family. I made him in my image, and he has bettered me. I want what he has. I want it back. I want to be king.”

Klaus uses fear tactics to control his minions. So people respect him not because of loyalty but out of fear. Marcel uses his charms to inspire camaraderie and loyalty among his followers. He is a natural leader. People look up to him in difficult situations for his leadership. Unlike Klaus, people normally choose to follow Marcel.

If I am a vampire in TVD universe I would choose to side with Marcel before any other group. Under Marcels rule there is an established system which allows vampires, witches, and local human population to coexist with minimal level of conflict. Marcel is a just ruler. He expect even his closest friends to follow his rules. He even reward loyal vampires by promoting their ranks and ultimately granting Daylight Rings. What I most like about Marcel is his genuine loyalty to his close friends. He always try to protect people who are close to him. Even a newbie vampire has a chance to live a relatively better life under Marcels rule.


New Orleans witches.
New Orleans witch elders are choosing four young witches to be the Harvest Girls.

In TVD if you backtrack any supernatural phenomena such as immortality, vampirism, werewolf curse, doppelgangers, then there was always a witch behind it. Not only that but also some witches were powerful enough to create entire parallel dimensions. But that does not mean every witch and warlock have such nature altering feats. Also different witches are bound by different sets of rules depending on their coven.

Independent witches

Some witches like Bonnie Bennett and Esther Mikaelson were not depending on a coven or a sacred ground for their power. They got their power from ancestral bloodline. I think that kind of witches had the least amount of restrictions to practice magic.

Gemini Coven

Gemini Coven used a unique way to enhance the magical powers of its members. Their power depend on their leader. When they are in need of a new leader they perform a ceremony called the Merge. During the Merge ceremony, twin siblings fight to take over one another’s power. Winner absorbs their sibling’s power and become the new leader of the Gemini Coven while the looser dies due to magical power drain.

Gemini Coven is a powerful witch coven who are known for their powerful cloaking spells and their ability to create Prison Worlds. But the drawback is entire Gemini Coven is bound to their leader. If their leader dies, then the entire coven dies with him. That’s exactly what happened to them. With Kai Parker’s death the entire Gemini Coven ceased to exist.

New Orleans witches

New Orleans is a hotbed for witches. There are nine witch covens exist in New Orleans. In order to increase their power, they bury and consecrate dead witches within city limits to strength their connection to the dead witch ancestors. Nine covens elect a regent to work as their leader and the representative for dealing with ancestors. They also perform the Harvest Rituals to solidify their connection to the power of the ancestors.

It would have been awesome to live in such a close knitted witch community, but ancestors influence on the living witches of New Orleans is quite overpowering. Sometimes they even choose to force their will upon living witches. They even have the ability to render an out of line witch powerless to perform spells. Unnecessary meddling of the dead witches is a deal breaker for me.


Jackson Kenner, the alpha of crescent wolf pack.
Jackson Kenner after he bit Lucien Castle.

In the TVD werewolves are the runt of the pack. Comparing to vampires and witches werewolves seems to lead a rugged, outdoorsy lifestyle.

Ordinary werewolves

When in wolf form werewolves are terrifying. Even ancient vampires flee from werewolves on full moon day. But rest of the month they become vulnerable. Oftentimes vampires use that time to hunt down known werewolves. Vampires like Mikael, Marcel and Lucien had led werewolf hunting parties to try to eradicate them.

Even without the constant threat from vampires, being a werewolf is a harsh thing. In order to activate the curse you have to kill a person voluntarily or involuntarily. Then each month under the full moon you have to go through a torturous, bone breaking process to transform into the wolf form. In the wolf from you lose control of yourself. Overall, being a werewolf genuinely seems like a curse.


Hybrids have all the perks of vampires and werewolves. As a hybrid you have the control over your transformation. At a glance being a hybrid could be awesome. But the downside is there are only two ways to become a hybrid. You either turn by Klaus or his daughter Hope. Either way you are going to be bound to a Mikaelson by a sire bond. Yes, there is a way to break the sire bond, but still even unsired hybrids did not have a happy ending in TVD.

Crescent Wolf Pack

Crescent Wolf Pack got hybrid like powers when their alphas Hayley Marshall and Jackson Kenner married by performing the Unification Ceremony. Previous to that they were under the Crescent Wolf Curse. So their werewolf nature was reversed which means they turn human on full moon and rest of the month they were in their wolf form. Even though the curse was lifted it still can be activated by a powerful witch like Dahlia once did. Since the Crescent Wolf pack is connected to the Mikaelsons through Hayley, they cannot avoid Mikaelson family drama and live in peace.

What would I like to be in TVD universe?

After having the above train of thoughts I know definitely that I do not want to be a werewolf in the Vampire Diaries universe.

I would like to be a vampire and witch hybrid like a Heretic so I could dedicate my life to study magic. I would like to practice magic independently like Bonnie, Esther, Dahlia and Freya did.

If I have to choose a group I would like to join with Marcel or the Strix.





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